topuptax - Tax Offices

The Tax Office database is updated every year from information supplied by HMRC.

Note: HMRC now list only three correspondence addresses.

 Although probably immaterial we have, for the moment maintained all the offices in the previous year's database.

Extract from the Government website:

Write to HMRC at this address for all Income Tax queries except complaints.

You don’t need to include a street name, city name or PO box when writing to this address.

Couriers should use a different address.
Pay As You Earn and Self Assessment
HM Revenue and Customs
United Kingdom

From the Main Details screen selecting the drop down arrow to the right of the Tax Office box brings up a list of PAYE (PY)and Self-employed (SE) offices in district number order.

Scroll down the list to highlight the relevant district and select it. Alternatively click on the box to the left of the drop down arrow and enter either P or S followed by the district number you require.

Clicking on the ellipsis (...) to the right of the district number enables you to add, delete or edit a tax district's details.

To view or make changes to the full details of a particular office highlight the district concerned and click on the View/Edit button.

To delete then reset all tax office records to the default database click on the reset db button. Be aware that doing this will lose any changes you may have made to a tax office(s) since the program was installed.


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